lunes, 3 de marzo de 2025

Why do we need to run away ?

Yuyeimi was 29 years old when she decided to run away. She had been a political activist for several years and had openly confronted

Yuyeimi was 29 years old when she decided to run away. She had been a political activist for several years and had openly confronted the authoritarian regime that ruled her country. Her peaceful protests were brutally suppressed by the police and, as a result, her fellow fighters were arrested and imprisoned several times; suffering cruel and inhumane treatment.

For a time, Yuyeimi was working for the military forces, where she was able to demonstrate unorthodox procedures in the area of public procurement and the execution of contracts, etc. All this through the production of quartermaster material for the institutions. For almost a year and a half, Yuyeimi had to endure constant harassment and intimidation by her superiors to accept in one way or another the acts of constant illegality that were brought to light, by not accepting the above, she was being persecuted and his life was in danger. In a desperate attempt to save her life, she decided to flee her country and seek refuge elsewhere.It was a difficult decision. Yuyeimy left behind his family, friends and the life he knew, not knowing if he would ever see them again. She traveled alone and in secret, using clandestine routes and hiding from the authorities every step of the way.

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In Colombia, Yuyeimy, like many Colombians, have had to face various difficulties in their daily lives that have motivated them to seek opportunities outside the country. Although each case is unique, there are some common reasons why Colombian women decide to emigrate.

One of the main reasons is violence and insecurity. Colombia has historically been a country affected by the internal armed conflict, which has generated a high rate of violence in different regions of the country.

Many women feel insecure and vulnerable in the face of sexual violence, domestic violence and harassment in the street, places of study or work, even in their own homes.The lack of job and economic opportunities can also push them to seek a better future elsewhere. Another important reason is gender discrimination and inequality of opportunities. Despite the fact that the Colombian Constitution guarantees equality between men and women, the reality is that there are still cultural and structural barriers that limit women’s opportunities.

También puedes leer: ¿POR QUÉ TUVIMOS QUE HUIR?

Many women face discrimination in the workplace and have less access to education.

¡Now that I’m away I can sleep in peace!


Columnista y activista de derechos humanos

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